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The New Mags Paper - Just in

Have you explored the latest edition of the New Mags Paper online? Take a fresh dive into our absolute favorites - from cookbooks and art, to interior design and fashion. These are the titles you can’t miss.


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Sofia Coppola Archive 1999-2023

Die Themen beziehen sich auf zeitlose Ästhetik in den Bereichen Architektur, Kunst und Design, verwoben mit Visionen vergessener Utopien, stiller Helden und filmischen Inszenierungen. Die redaktionellen Inhalte haben einen dokumentarischen Charakter und spiegeln oft die persönliche Beziehung zwischen Fotograf und Muse wider, wobei die Hauptthemen Sommer, Sonne, Jugend, Freiheit und Rebellion sind.


Das neue Journal

Event: Making The Plus

Event: Making The Plus

Thank you all for stopping by for the celebration of Making The Plus at our New Mags Store. Drinks were served, talks were held, and new friendships were made as we toasted this one-of-a-kind archi...

Under The Sun

Under The Sun

Under the Sun. Tan lines and prickly pears. Stones over Beatles. Freckles and Italian ice cream. Beach hair, a cool head and an orange bonnet. Tight bends and high speed turns. Open sky, the engine...

Event: Chidy Wayne: In the Mirror

Event: Chidy Wayne: In the Mirror

 What an unforgettable evening! Last week, we celebrated the first anniversary of’s debut book, Chidy Wayne: In the Mirror. It was a truly intimate gathering, honoring the extraord...